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/ Planet Fun - The Best of MVP Games / Planet Fun.iso / corncob

Jump To: Image (14)  |  Audio (4)  |  Text (16)  |  Other (42)

Images (14)

Audio & Music (4)
  ccmusic.bnk AdLib Instrument Bank 7KB 1992-09-24
destiny3.rol AdLib/Roland Song 1m24s 10KB 1992-09-25
dreamso2.rol AdLib/Roland Song 2m58s 15KB 1992-09-25
ridingt.rol AdLib/Roland Song 3m24s 24KB 1992-09-25

Text (16)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
3.adl Comma Seperated Value File 154 942b 1992-05-16
boss.txt Text File 26 55b 1991-12-18
corncob.bat DOS Batch File 10 173b 1993-12-21
corncob.doc Text File 988 46KB 1993-12-21
deftower.twr Text File 13 46b 1992-04-23
dusk.twr Text File 115 5KB 1992-10-06
manual.doc Text File 988 46KB 1993-12-21
moag.inf Text File 455 20KB 1993-12-21
morning.twr Text File 114 5KB 1992-10-06
order.frm Text File 58 2KB 1993-12-21
pict.dat Text File 283 3KB 1992-09-20
readme Text File 9 428b 1993-11-21
rolfiles.txt Text File 3 27b 1992-10-07
tpict.dat Text File 43 461b 1992-09-20
wastelnd.twr Text File 95 3KB 1992-09-20
whtsands.twr Text File 35 1KB 1992-09-12

Other Files (42)
3.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 134KB 1993-03-04
cctitle.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 34KB 1992-09-25
iscore.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 30KB 1992-08-20
jvcc.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 49KB 1992-11-16
moag.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 141KB 1993-10-01
rimg.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 18KB 1992-04-27
soadl.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2KB 1992-05-15
srats.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 14KB 1992-09-02
tower.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 19KB 1992-09-14
dusk.cct Corncob 3D Data File 5KB 1992-09-20
morning.cct Corncob 3D Data File 6KB 1993-02-06
wastelnd.cct Corncob 3D Data File 5KB 1992-09-12
whtsands.cct Corncob 3D Data File 2KB 1992-09-02
3d.img Unknown 7KB 1992-03-22
3d10.img Unknown 4KB 1992-09-18
3d13.img Unknown 7KB 1992-09-15
3d2.img Unknown 6KB 1992-09-15
3d3.img Unknown 2KB 1992-09-15
3d4.img Unknown 4KB 1992-09-15
3d5.img Unknown 3KB 1992-09-15
3d6.img Unknown 9KB 1992-10-06
3d7.img Unknown 4KB 1992-09-15
3d8.img Unknown 8KB 1992-09-15
3d9.img Unknown 6KB 1992-09-15
blogogr.vga Unknown 11KB 1992-03-12
cc.com Unknown 4KB 1993-12-21
flash.vga Unknown 182b 1992-03-13
gradsky.pal Unknown 768b 1992-03-13
hc6.pal Unknown 768b 1992-03-16
hc6new.vga Unknown 23KB 1992-03-16
medal.fnc Unknown 272b 1992-03-24
moagdata Unknown 13KB 1992-08-24
skla1.vga Unknown 2KB 1992-04-14
skla2.vga Unknown 1KB 1992-04-14
skla3.vga Unknown 2KB 1992-04-14
skla4.vga Unknown 2KB 1992-04-14
sky.pal Unknown 768b 1992-03-10
ssflak1.vga Unknown 678b 1992-04-14
ssflak2.vga Unknown 1KB 1992-04-14
ssflak3.vga Unknown 2KB 1992-04-14
tcloud5s.vga Unknown 21KB 1992-04-28
tlogogr.vga Unknown 14KB 1992-03-12